5 Reasons to include Wine in your Meal

5 Reasons to include Wine in your Meal

Not that you need convincing, but here’s why you may consider uncorking a bottle of wine more often. Several studies support the benefits of wine, especially the red one. Overconsumption can be hazardous, but drinking wine in moderation will improve your life and health in a number of ways. Here’s how:

Good for your heart

Moderate consumption of wine including white wine lowers the risk of heart failure and improves blood pressure. The plant-antioxidants present in the skin of grapes used to make wine efficiently reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Sharpens your mind

Wine is not only good for your heart but the brain too. The flavanols in wine support healthy blood vessels, leading to an improved blood flow to the brain. This prevents any harmful plaque from developing. Those who drink wine quite regularly are at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

No fatty liver issues

Drinking wine reduces the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases by half. However, moderation is the key here. Don’t drink too much!

Protection from the sun

According to research conducted by scientists from the University of Barcelona, drinking wine can protect you from severe sunburn by lessening the effects of UV rays. The flavonoids found in wine protect skin cells from damage.

Look fit

Moderate drinkers are less likely to be obese as wine may encourage your body to burn extra calories for as long as 90 minutes after you are down with a glass of it. People who drink in moderation daily have lower body mass than those who drink occasionally. Drink responsibly and enjoy the benefits!

Live longer

Drinking wine is quite relaxing, which lowers stress levels, enhances mood and helps you lead a happier, longer life. Many long-term population studies have linked moderate alcohol consumption to longer life. You also develop healthy behaviours when you drink moderately.

So what’s stopping you, stop by for a meal at Meraaki Kitchen Jaipur with your friends and pair it with a swirly glass of red or white wine of your choice. See you!

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