6 Incredible Benefits of Lush Pumpkins

6 Incredible Benefits of Lush Pumpkins

A star ingredient of Thanksgiving and Halloween meals, Pumpkin is a winter squash native to North America. Popularly associated with the word Jack-O-Lantern, Pumpkins play a massive part in the Halloween traditions. Misunderstood as vegetables, it is originally and scientifically a fruit with seeds. While we all think of the fantastic desserts like pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte etc. upon hearing the word pumpkin, but there’s a lot more to them other than sweets and drinks.

Apart from being round, vibrant and delicious, pumpkins are conferred with countless benefits. So next time you visit a restaurant, do order a pumpkin dish. Each bite would remind you of the incredible benefits you are consuming thus compensating for the indulgent cheat meal guilt.

  • Beautifies Skin with Healthy Compounds Consume pumpkin daily and say hello to smooth, supple and glowing skin. Rich in carotenoids like beta- carotene which turns into Vitamin A and acts a natural sunblock for our skin. Pumpkin also contains vitamin C, which is required by our body to make collagen thus keeping our skin healthy and strong. In fact, pumpkin puree works as a great face mask too, exfoliating and soothing our skin off dead cells.
  • Offers Vitamins to Boost Immunity Pumpkin has the power to ward off illness and enhance our immunity levels. The presence of vitamin A and Vitamin C work together to increase white blood cells in our blood to fight against infections and viruses. Presence of iron and vitamin E too aide the immune system. A bowl of pumpkin soup is highly recommended during winters to keep cold at bay.
  • Sharpens Eyesight with Vitamin A As we age, our eyesight ages too. However, with the right nutrients, we can slower its aging process. Pumpkin lets you achieve that. A single cup of pumpkin contains over 200% of most people’s daily vitamin A intake, which is good for optical health.
  • Rich in vitamin A that is known to lower risk of cataracts, it is also a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds work to reduce chances of age-related macular degeneration. Presence of vitamin C and E prevent our eye cells from damage.
  • Promotes Weight Loss with High Nutrient Density This nutrient –dense fruit is indeed a wonder. Extremely low in calories and a good source of fibre, it helps in curbing our appetite. The same portion of potato or rice would result in rather higher calories as compared to a pumpkin.
  • Improves Heart Health One must invest in a heart-healthy diet to live a longer life. High pumpkin consumption can lead to higher potassium intakes thus lowering blood pressure and reducing risks of strokes. The presence of higher antioxidants level protects the bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing.

This powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins is an excellent ingredient for dinner meals. Prepare pumpkin curries or have a variety of soups with various combinations to fuel your body with the right compounds. If you are unsure regarding what to prepare, then visit Meraaki Kitchen Jaipur. We have a variety of dishes to keep you satisfied and content while keeping a check on your nutrient intake. Our spiced pumpkin coconut soup is highly nutritious and incredibly flavourful. We bet, you can’t eat just one!

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