The famous venture capitalist and founder of Zappos, Tony Hsieh once said that “Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company”. Truer words have never been spoken. From a customer,’s point of view, the one providing the service is the real brand ambassador and the face of the product/company. And in the food industry, there is nothing bigger than customer service that helps a business thrive, or is the reason behind its downfall.

How is Customer Service Shaping the Food Industry?
The current food industry’s USP is not their food, but the experience that they offer to their customer while they indulge in the food. Right from the doorman opening the door with a smile to bidding “goodnight,” the dining experience of a guest is now affected by even small details. People indeed come for food, but they come back for the service because of the comfort that it gave them, and that is what statistics show as well. In a study, researchers found out that a stark increase in a restaurant’s customer rating increased the footfall there. In the words of the famous poet, Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel”.
Enhancing the Dining Experience
The experience begins with the diners entering a place. The ambiance and the feel of a place are what sets the mood for the guests. A clean and fresh table with carefully laid cutlery and linen further extend the feelings of warmth and welcome. A polite yet exceptional conversationalist comes to greet the guests and asks them if they are comfortable and need something before they are ready for the food. The idea is to put their minds to ease, so they indulge in the experience. Suggestions and compliments are exchanged, and any direct questions are answered in a clear and precise manner.
The way food is served and the way guests are treated and listened to, adds to the entire experience. Even if peak hours are on and the place is packed, the food arrives in pristine condition and well within acceptable time limits. A good restaurant serves good food, but a great restaurant listens to the guests about how they can become better.
Customer Service Statistics
Another research points out that a satisfied customer, on an average, will always recommend a place to 3 people after a great experience, but will criticize a place in front of at least 10 people after a woeful experience. So 1 in 5 people who had a bad “dining experience” would nullify a restaurant’s progress even if their food happens to be the best. Another great fact that plays a massive role in modern times is that at least 60% restaurant-goers read the reviews of a place before giving the place a chance to charm them.
Customer centricity happens to be the backbone of almost every industry, and in this digital age, the word about customer service spreads fast. The assurance that a guest’s experience would be the best has equal appeal as great food. And if you are looking for excellent customer services at restaurants in Jaipur, then C Scheme is the home to Meraaki Kitchen, a fusion food restaurant with the best-in-class customer service. You can find the core belief and the story behind our food on the home page of our website.